How to staking NFT

How to staking NFT

  1. If you buy Civilian NFT from Binance, make sure you have complete Convert your Civilian NFT.

  2. Connect wallet

4. Select 'Stake NFTs' menu

5. Select staking pool

Note: Each staking pool will have difference requirement and reward.

6. Select Civilian NFT that you want to stake and confirm transaction on your wallet.

How to unstake NFT

  1. Go to 'Working' tab to check which Civilian NFT is staking.

2. Select Civilian NFT that you want to unstake and click View.

3. Click Cancel and confirm transaction on your wallet. Note: All reward earn will be send to your wallet after transaction confirmed.

How to claim reward

  1. Go to 'Working' tab to check which Civilian NFT is staking.

2. Select Civilian NFT that you want to claim reward and click View.

3. Click Claim and confirm transaction on your wallet. Note: All reward earn from Civilian NFT will be send to your wallet after transaction confirmed.

Last updated